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We have signed the Time to Change ‘Employer Pledge’

Pictured: Claire Farnell, Director of HR and Organisational Development; and Brendan Hill, Chief Executive

To coincide with World Mental Health day, we are proud to announce that Concern Group has signed up to the Time to Change ‘Employer Pledge’.

Brendan said:

Looking after the mental health of our employees is not only the right thing to do, but it also makes absolute sense for any organisation that wants to provide high-quality, cost-effective services.

We will be looking to introduce a number of initiatives in the coming months to demonstrate our commitment, and we would also welcome staff views in relation to how we can further support a culture that focuses not only on mental health but their general wellbeing too.

We have an incredibly skilled workforce who ably support people with a variety of mental health issues, but when a member of staff has to cope with their own problem, it is important for an employer to promote a culture where seeking help or speaking out is not perceived as a weakness.

I am increasingly confident that our organisation has a comprehensive support framework in place to address these issues.

In signing the pledge, we renewed our commitment to our ongoing employee wellbeing initiatives. Our new wellbeing calendar of activities will launch in December, with a ‘Take Notice’ winter campaign. Take Notice is one of the Five Ways to Wellbeing, which will form the basis for our seasonal employee wellbeing activities in 2018.

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