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Oakwell is rated ‘Outstanding’

We are delighted to announce that Oakwell, one of our specialist mental health services, has been rated ‘Outstanding’ by the Care Quality Commission (CQC)! Receiving an ‘Outstanding’ rating in one category is quite an achievement, but receiving this in three out of the five key areas is an exceptional achievement.

This is a huge achievement by our staff, whose compassion, dedication, and expertise shone through the CQC’s written report:

Staff were totally committed to delivering a service which improved the lives of the people who use the service in fulfilling and creative ways. Their drive and passion had created an exceptionally dynamic and vibrant service. Staff focused fully on the goals and aspirations of the people who used it. People told us the service provided care and support that was exceptional. They discussed how staff had supported them to redevelop skills and learn techniques that would reduce the negative impact their mental health conditions may cause. People also told us that the staff had enabled them to rebuild their relationships with family members and this meant a great deal to them.

Jason Reeve, Oakwell’s Service Manager, said:

I would like to thank all of the support services who provided information for us on the day of the inspection, and most importantly a massive thank you to all of the staff team at Oakwell for their individual input into this achievement. Well done team Oakwell!

Click here to read the CQC’s full report.
Click here to find out more about the specialist mental health care offered at Oakwell.

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