High Contrast

‘I can’t believe how happy I am to hear another human’s voice.’

Mary* is currently living alone and shielding, as she suffers from diabetes. She was referred to Mental Health Concern by her GP, and our team has supported her during the coronavirus pandemic by delivering her shopping and calling her for weekly chats.

Tell us a bit about what life was like before the pandemic, and how the last few months have impacted you.

I suffer from diabetes and depression, and was sent a letter telling me I would need to shield due to my health problems. I wasn’t able to see people and I felt completely trapped. I didn’t feel like I could do anything and was living in complete fear because I couldn’t leave the house.

My neighbour was getting my shopping for me, but since she has gone back to work, I was finding it more difficult to get what I need.

What kind of support have you had from our team at Mental Health Concern?

I heard about Mental Health Concern through my doctor, and now I phone someone one day to give them my shopping list, and it is delivered two days later! I also have people call me up during the week to chat with me. Sometimes I can have up to three people call me a day! I can’t believe how nice people are in this world.

One lady who had taken her dog for a walk, called me up whilst she was sat watching her dog in the park. You could hear the dog coming back to her. It was really nice to have a chat.

How has life changed since you got in contact with us?

I can’t go out without fear, the risks are too high. Without this help, I wouldn’t have been able to do anything. People have phoned me and it has started to make me feel a bit more comfortable. It has really helped me get through this.

Before [coronavirus], people didn’t talk to you. I can’t believe how different people are now.  I can’t believe how many times people are willing to call me and have a chat. I can’t believe how happy I am to hear another human’s voice.

You don’t know them, but when you’re feeling low or are in tears, they’ve had me laughing by the time they come off the phone. I don’t know how I would have coped without it.

*Name has been changed for privacy

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