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Mental Health Concern

For service users

Working together

We work hard to remain focused on helping people to achieve their aspirations and goals. We are all different and each of us is unique. We all have hopes and dreams, things we like and things we dislike. At Mental Health Concern, we firmly believe that all of us have the potential to flourish in our own way and to have a quality of life that we are happy with.

You are an expert in your mental health by your experience, and we are experts by profession. We do employ a number of people with lived-experience of mental ill-health; after all, we know that one in four of us has a mental health issue at any given time.

We work hard to design our services and train our staff to meet the needs of individuals and to enable people to be as independent as possible. We celebrate when people no longer need our help.

Use the below links to find out more about our services:

Your information and how we use it

The team supporting you will keep records about you, your treatment and care plan, and your health. This is information we receive from the NHS and yourself. These records help to ensure you receive the best possible care; the records may be stored electronically on a secure computer, or in paper form.

These records may include:

  • details about your healthcare or support
  • reports about your health and wellbeing
  • personal information (such as your name and address)
  • information about your characteristics (such as your race and religion)
  • contact that we may have had with you in the past
  • relevant information for your care

You can check with us that your personal details are accurate. It is essential that we keep these up to date.

Please inform us if your personal details change so that we can update these records.

Download the ‘Your information and how we use it’ booklet (PDF, 2MB).

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