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Mental Health Concern

Referring to Adult Services

Mental Health Concern’s adult nursing services have no specific exclusion criteria, as each referral is assessed on its own merit. The inclusion criteria states that the referred person must:

  • Have a complex mental health problem
  • Have potential to engage in a recovery-focused rehabilitation programme
  • Require 24 hour specialist mental health nursing care
  • Be over 18 years of age
  • Be a resident of the service’s local CCG (unless agreed with locality CCG commissioning manager)

As long as these criteria are met, any co-existing issues such as substance misuse or learning disability will not exclude the person from the service. Through clinical assessment and MDT liaison, a decision is made as to whether the service can meet the person’s identified needs, and whether this level of specialist 24-hour care is required.

Fees and funding (Gateshead services)

At these services, there are no individual care fees.

However, if the referred person is subject to Section 117 aftercare arrangements, then it is essential that Gateshead Council’s Community-Based Services, as well as all other relevant parties, are invited to a Section 117 aftercare meeting before any decision to place is made. This will ensure that joint 117 funding arrangement can be put in place.

For people not subject to Section 117, Mental Health Concern may be required to carry out its statutory responsibility to deduct the required amounts from relevant state benefits.

Fees and funding (Newcastle services)

These services are jointly funded by Newcastle CCG and Newcastle Council. Consequently, a care agreement from Newcastle Council must be arranged prior to admission.

For people not subject to Section 117, Mental Health Concern may be required to carry out its statutory responsibility to deduct the required amounts from relevant state benefits. For specific advice on these deductions, please contact Mental Health Concern’s finance department on 0191 217 0377.

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