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Mental Health Concern

For professionals

How our values influence our delivery

Mental Health Concern shares core values with our sister organisation, Insight IAPT. Together, we use our values to guide us each day as we support our beneficiaries and develop our services.

Being a charity-led group enables us to be creative and innovative in how we design our services around the person. We work hard to maintain a positive and compassionate working culture, where all of us are encouraged to ‘go the extra mile’ for the people we serve. We value our staff and have a highly skilled, professional workforce that makes the most of its experience and expertise.

We also have enough humility to know that we must always strive to develop and improve ourselves. That’s why we work hard to remain open, friendly, and receptive to challenge.

Refer someone to us

We try to keep our referral systems as simple and responsive as possible. Usually, all you need to do is get in touch with a little information about the person you are referring and we’ll take it from there.

Find out more about referring someone to us here:

Commission us

Together, Mental Health Concern and Insight IAPT are one of the largest third sector providers of statutorily-commissioned mental health services in England. We have considerable experience of service delivery under the NHS standard contract, as well as with local authorities.

We have a reputation for being easy to work with; it is always our goal to work closely with our commissioners for the mutual benefit of our service users. That’s why we strive to be ‘can do’ and solution-focused.

We would like to think that commissioners get all the benefits of a large, experienced NHS and social care-aligned organisation, but with the flexibility and creativeness of a charity.

Contact Liam Gilfellon, Director of Business Development and Relationships, to find out more: liam.gilfellon@concerngroup.org.

Partner with us

At Mental Health Concern, we have grown and consolidated our position as a key not-for-profit provider of NHS services over recent years, supporting thousands of people with a wide range of mental health conditions every year. In doing so, we have developed a number of close delivery partnerships with NHS Foundation Trusts, local authorities, and fellow third sector organisations.

Partnership working can be very challenging; but we have valuable experience of working out how to make the best use of one another’s strengths. Working together can provide  great opportunities for innovation, service improvement, and development

We are committed to working together when it can clearly lead to better outcomes for the communities we serve. If you are interested in having an initial exploratory discussion, then please feel free to contact us.

Engage us

We have considerable experience of providing consultative and professional advice to organisations on their services and standards. Recently, we have reviewed mental health day services and led modernisation strategies, supported NHS organisations to review their rehabilitation and recovery services, and helped to develop innovative supported housing solutions.

Wherever we operate, we make it our business to contribute to local forums and play an active part in making a difference to local populations.

To find out more, please get in touch.

Our approach to outcomes

We focus on helping people to achieve that outcomes that are meaningful for them. We have learned much over the years and know that, broadly, most people value three things:

  1. Having something meaningful to do
  2. Having people to be close with
  3. Having somewhere good to live

We also know that most people aspire for the following in their lives:

  • A sense of meaning and purpose
  • Good, interdependent relationships
  • Hope and self-esteem
  • Independence, choice and control
  • Being part of a community and having a sense of citizenship
  • Having stability and consistency in life

This is why we base our outcomes-focused approaches around these themes and link all that we do to them.

It is also important that we recognise the significance of what might appear to be a small outcome for someone with a complex mental health problem or dementia. Striking up a new friendship, for instance, or getting back on your feet after a physical illness can be just as significant as achieving paid employment or getting a degree.

This is why our outcomes-based systems capture and represent the full range of outcomes for people. In doing so, we work hard to keep ourselves focussed on what’s right for the person rather than the ‘system’.

We use a range of measurement approaches to capture outcomes, including, but not limited, to star rating scales, WEMWBS, key outcomes, and narrative testimony.

We believe that good data should be well-presented for it to be useful to our clinicians, managers, and commissioners. We also believe that data should be generated only as a by-product of supporting people, rather than the reason for it in the first place.

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