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Mental Health Concern

Step Forward Tees Valley

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We are delighted to be a provider of an innovative new project called Step Forward Tees Valley. This project is funded by the European Social Fund and the National Lottery Community Fund, as part of the Building Better Opportunities initiative.

Step Forward Tees Valley supports local people to overcome the complex reasons preventing them from finding work; these barriers could include physical or mental ill-health, a lack of self-confidence, a gap in skills, a conviction, or an addiction.

The project helps people to build on their strengths and aspirations, using the skills and expertise of partners and local employers to achieve their goals. The project is committed to making a real and lasting change in Tees Valley.

Step Forward Tees Valley supports people across Tees Valley to take advantage of existing voluntary or employment possibilities, as well as working with local employers to create new opportunities.

Find out more at www.sfteesvalley.co.uk. The project can also be found on Twitter and on Facebook.

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