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Crafty Christmas at Alderwood

Christmas has well and truly landed at Alderwood! But all is not as it seems… The beautiful fireplace shown above is in fact handmade by Alderwood’s residents! Shaun (pictured above), a member of the team at Alderwood, spotted the crafty…

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Building Better Opportunities

The Big Lottery have match-funded European Social Fund to develop the Building Better Opportunities (BBO) programme. This will invest in local projects, tackling the root causes of poverty, promoting social inclusion, and driving local jobs and growth. After applying to…

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20th birthday of Coalway Lane

From Jason Reeve, Service Manager of Coalway Lane: “Staff and service users at Coalway Lane, one of MHC’s 24-hour rehabilitation services, celebrated the unit’s 20th anniversary in October this year. “Coalway Lane opened on 10 October 1995 during the planned closure…

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Health and wellbeing at McGowan Court

Led by one of the residents who wanted to improve his body strength, McGowan Court now has an exercise bike and an air walker, which are being well-used. The staff hope to encourage more residents to use them, as…

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New website for Moving Forward

Moving Forward, one of our community services, now has a newly-redesigned website, replacing three separate sites for the Newcastle, Gateshead, and South Tyneside services. Moving Forward helps anyone who has experienced mental health issues to get back on their feet. Our main…

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Launch of Chain Reaction

We are very pleased to announce the launch of Chain Reaction, a new service commissioned by Newcastle City Council to support older people to live independently in the community to lead happier, healthier lives. By promoting the use of…

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Award-winning service!

We are delighted to announce that Mental Health Concern’s Moving Forward service received the Employment Award at the MHPF Mental Health Voluntary Sector Awards 2015. This award was supported and judged by the Department of Health and…

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Chain Reaction – coming soon

We are delighted to be one of three partner organisations to form Chain Reaction, a new service commissioned by Newcastle City Council and designed to support older people (55+) to live independently in the community. By promoting the use of…

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New service launched: Ways to Wellness

Photo from left to right: Helene Button, Louise Cooke, Zena Braithwaite On 7 April 2015, Ways to Wellness launched its innovative service to improve the quality of life of people living with long-term conditions living in the…

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