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Mental health news

Men’s Health Week 2016

It’s Men’s Health Week! The theme of the week this year (13 – 20 June 2016) is stress. As we know, our mental health is just as important as our physical health. Unfortunately, men are significantly less likely than women to…

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Mental Health Awareness Week 2016

It’s Mental Health Awareness Week! The theme of the week (16-22 May) is relationships. Good, supportive relationships are key to our mental health; investing in relationships is as important as investing in our physical health. The Mental Health Foundation…

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Deciding Together

Today our Chief Executive, Brendan Hill, sat on the panel at the launch of Deciding Together, which is a public consultation held by Newcastle Gateshead Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and seeks the views of local people on the different…

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A challenge shared…

Our Chief Executive, Brendan Hill, has published a blog post on the VCSE (Voluntary Community and Enterprise) Review about the challenges shared by commissioners and the VCSE sector and suggesting ways that commissioning can be more supportive…

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Should we ban ‘legal highs’?

I noted with interest the recent announcement on action to ‘protect young people from the dangers of so-called ‘legal highs’ and target those who profit from their trade’. The proposals under the Psychoactive Substances Bill will prohibit…

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