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How are you?

How are you today? Many of us will answer ‘Fine’, even when we’re not. This exchange is often another way of saying hello. I would argue that we have all asked the same question and given the same answer many times,…

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World Mental Health Day

Today is World Mental Health Day! Just like physical health, we all have mental health and need to care for it. It is easy to say we’re OK when we’re not, and to forget to look after our mental…

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Great North Run countdown

The countdown to the Great North Run has truly begun, with only 24 days to go until the big day! Our nine fantastic runners have been limbering up and pounding the streets to prepare themselves for the 13-mile run on…

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It’s Time to Talk Day

Any day is the perfect time to talk about mental health, but we know that many people feel anxious or ashamed to start that conversation. Despite the great gains that have been made in raising awareness of mental health…

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It’s World Mental Health Day!

Today is World Mental Health Day! This year’s theme is ‘mental health in the workplace’. Work can be fulfilling and satisfying, but it can also make us feel stressed or low. We have chosen to highlight the Five Ways to Wellbeing in…

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World Mental Health Day

Happy World Mental Health Day! The theme for this year’s World Mental Health Day is psychological first aid for all. Psychological first aid (PFA) describes a humane, supportive response to someone who is suffering and may…

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