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Mental Health Concern

Our board of trustees


Rosemary Granger

Rosemary has been a leadership coach and an independent consultant since 2010, working with the NHS and other public and third sector organisations. With 19 years’ NHS service, Rosemary has experience as both a provider and commissioner, working with health authorities and strategic health authorities at director level, with much of that in the field of mental health. Rosemary was appointed to Chair of the Board of Trustees for Concern Group in 2019.


Dr Angela Walsh

Dr Walsh is a retired consultant psychiatrist. While working in the NHS she was, for several years, Clinical Audit Lead and she continues to review psychiatric services in the UK. She is particularly interested in the quality of our service delivery and clinical governance.


David R Arthur FCA

David, who is chair of our Finance Committee, is a former managing partner at one of the North East’s largest independent accountancy firms. His considerable charitable and not-for-profit experience over a long career, along with experience of other trusteeships and non-executive appointments, provides useful help to Mental Health Concern and its corporate governance.


Richard McEvoy

Richard’s career spans over 30 years in a business and professional environment; 21 years in management roles, and the last 12 years at senior manager and local director level within the Lloyds Banking Group. Experienced in managing through three full economic cycles, he has the benefit of a broad view of a number of economic issues and sectors, coupled with the depth of view appropriate in challenging and supporting clients’ strategic aims and fundraising targets.


Graham Puntis

Graham is a strategic leader, with over 20 years of experience in management and leadership roles across a range of engineering sectors. He has led teams through all stages of the business cycle and has a strong belief in achievement through teamwork. Graham brings his strategic and commercial skills to the board, along with his experience of governance and performance management.


Sarah Medcalf

Sarah has extensive experience in developing and overseeing funding programmes, cultivating relationships at a senior level, achieving and exceeding targets, project and people management and building supporter relations. Sarah is part of the senior management team of Newcastle United Foundation, responsible for strategy, leadership, management, and organisational performance.

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