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Launch of volunteering programme

We are delighted to announce the launch of Mental Health Concern’s new volunteering programme! For many years, we have been supported by volunteers and have always encouraged people to volunteer with us. The launch of our new strategy will enable us to significantly build on the gift of our volunteers’ time, to benefit our service users.

Who can volunteer?

Anyone can volunteer if they are aged 18 or over. We welcome people from any and all backgrounds.

What are the roles?

We have identified a wide range of volunteering roles across our organisation. These roles will suit all kinds of skills and interests, and will include:

  • Befrienders
  • Digital Inclusion Ambassadors
  • Peer Supporters
  • Activities Helpers
  • Administration Supporters
  • Drivers
  • Telephone Supporters
  • Gardening Supporters

How we will promote the programme

The programme will be advertised through our website, as well as via leaflets (click here to download our Volunteer leaflet 2016, PDF 1MB), on the JobCentre website, in various colleges and universities, as well as local volunteering agencies.

What are the volunteer benefits?

Please do read over the leaflet and pass it on to anyone you know who might like to give some of their free time to get involved! But to summarise, our volunteers will:

  • be reimbursed their out-of-pocket expenses
  • be given full relevant training and support
  • volunteer in a safe environment
  • be free from discrimination
  • be given regular feedback and opportunities for personal development

Many thanks for your interest – we look forward to reporting back on how our first set of volunteers get on in their roles!

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