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Mental Health Concern

Introduction to PIE Training

Introduction to Psychologically-Informed Environments (PIE)

This training course will introduce you to the five key elements of psychologically-informed environments and how they can improve clients’ experience of your service. This can help your team to consider whether you want to develop your service into a PIE, or to go further on your PIE ‘journey’ as a way to improve the service for your clients.

To book places on this course, email Ray at ray.middleton@fulfillinglives-ng.org.uk.

What is included in the training?

The training will be delivered in five 30-minute training sessions over the internet via a live stream on Periscope, allowing you to watch it on a smartphone or computer.

The live training will also be recorded and sent to all participants, so it is not essential for everyone to tune into the live broadcast. This way, the content can be watched at a later date, or more than once.

The cost of the training is £35 per person (for 2.5 hours of recorded content and invitation to watch live). There will be one 30-minute session per week for five weeks. The sessions will take place on:

  • Friday, 8 January 2016
  • Friday,  15 January
  • Friday, 22 January
  • Friday, 29 January
  • Friday, 5 February

You will be invited to watch this 20-minute film on dialogical PIE before the five sessions begin, as part of the training.

What topics do the sessions include?

  • Session 1: Introduction
    Explains the five key elements of a PIE environment; explores the importance of building quality relationships; and includes an interview with Robin Johnson, one of the two originators of PIE.
  • Session 2: What is a psychological framework?
    Explains the psychological framework used in our PIE Pilots (‘Life’s Ladder’); explores how different frameworks can be used, depending on what fits with your local context and service; includes an interview with a staff member of a service introducing a PIE.
  • Session 3: What training and support is available?
    Includes and introduction to PIE Link as a free community of practice where people can exchange learning, experiences, and skills around PIE.
  • Session 4: The physical environment
    Exploring where a service is delivered and how this can be improved as part of a PIE to promote more reflection; includes an interview with PIE services that have changed their physical environment.
  • Session 5: Practical experiences and tips from going on the PIE journey
    Includes an interview with staff currently running PIE reflective practice sessions, and a talk about evidence-gathering practice.

How do I book and take part?

To book places on this training course, email Ray at ray.middleton@fulfillinglives-ng.org.uk.

Participants will need to sign up to Twitter and Periscope, and will then be invited to watch the sessions live and/or watch the recording. A video explaining the straightforward sign-up process for Twitter and Periscope will be provided.

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