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Dialogical PIE film

This is a film created by Ray Middleton (pictured), one of Fulfilling Lives’ System Brokers, about dialogical Psychologically Informed Environments (PIEs), looking at problem-solving and top 10 tips for better dialogue in social networks.

The film explores similarities and differences between Open Dialogue and Anticipating Dialogue, using concepts from Mikhail Bakhtin and Robin Johnson (PIE).

Ray also had an article about open dialogue published in Context Magazine, produced by the Association of Family Therapy and Systemic Practice (AFT). Read the article here: Context138-RayM.pdf (PDF, 3MB).

This article was first published by in Context magazine, Issue 138, April 2015. The issue was on the topic of open dialogue and individual copies can be purchased by contacting AFT directly (www.aft.org.uk).

Fulfilling Lives

The Fulfilling Lives programme seeks to help people with complex needs to better manage their lives, by ensuring that services are more tailored and better connected to each other.

Our goal is to bring about system change by improving and better coordinating services to support people across Newcastle and Gateshead who are living with multiple and complex needs: to see people for the potential they have, rather than for their problems. This will include opportunity not only to offer service users a voice, but also to train as peer evaluators and co-design the way which the programme is delivered.

Click here to read more about the Fulfilling Lives programme.

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